Grow Your Twitter Account Faster w/ “Follow Intent” Links

Grow Your Twitter Account Faster w/ “Follow Intent” Links

Most people have links to their social media accounts all over the place:

  • Website navbars, footers, blog posts
  • Other social media accounts
  • Linktrees
  • etc.

And if you do, great — but you’re missing out on some easy wins.

Because you’re probably linking like this:


👇 Do this instead:

Instead of linking directly to your Twitter account URL..

Use a “follow intent link” so the user gets automatically prompted to follow your account when the page loads!

How to make a Twitter “Follow Intent Link”

All you have to do to get this auto “follow me” pop-up on page load is to make a simple adjustment to the URL.

Let’s break it down into its individual parts:

  1. The base URL:
  2. The “intent/follow” path
  3. The `screen_name` URL parameter
  4. Your twitter handle

  1. The base URL is the same as always:
  1. The “intent/follow” URL path:
  1. The screen_name URL parameter:
  1. Your Twitter handle:

It comes out like this: + intent/follow + ?screen_name= + dvnschmchr

So instead of this:

You get this:

👆 Click that and see what happens… I dare you.

One simple change to make it easier for people to follow you!

Now drop that version of your link into all your other profiles, sites, etc. and get more followers faster!

Cheers, & stay funky my friends 🦩