Fly Traps

Welcome to the fascinating realm of fly traps! In this article, we’ll delve into the captivating world of these remarkable carnivorous plants, uncovering their unique adaptations and shedding light on their mesmerizing mechanisms for capturing prey.

Imagine a plant that not only photosynthesizes to harness the power of the sun but also actively hunts insects to supplement its diet. It may sound like something out of science fiction, but the Venus flytrap and its botanical cousins are very much a part of our natural world, showcasing the wonders of evolution and adaptation.

In this introduction, we’ll introduce you to these incredible botanical marvels, exploring their intriguing features, evolution, and the science behind their carnivorous tendencies. Whether you’re a curious nature enthusiast or a seasoned botany aficionado, join us on this journey into the world of fly traps, where plants become predators!

Fly Traps

Whether it’s a persistent colony of fruit flies invading your kitchen or a pesky house fly buzzing around the trash can, dealing with a fly infestation can be incredibly frustrating. Once these unwelcome insects find their way indoors, it often feels like an insurmountable task to rid your space of them.


  1. Best Overall: Dynatrap Dt3009-1003p Flylight
  2. Best Budget: Raid Fr10-Raid Raid Fly Bug Catcher
  3. Best Indoor: Safer Home Indoor Fly Trap
  4. Best For Outdoors: Rescue! Disposable Fly Trap
  5. Best For Windows: Kensizer 30-Pack Window Fly Traps For Indoors
  6. Best Zapper: Livin’ Well Bug Zapper
  7. Best Reusable: Sewanta Fly Traps 32 Oz
  8. Best For Fruit Flies: Terro Fruit Fly Trap

Dynatrap Dt3009-1003p Flylight


Our top choice for the best fly trap is an indoor insect trap that utilizes light to lure and sticky cards to capture insects, all without emitting unpleasant odors or causing disruptive noise. This makes it a safe option for households with children and pets. However, it’s important to note that this trap is not waterproof and should not be used outdoors.

According to an expert’s recommendation, this type of trap is suitable for typical indoor pest control situations. She suggests using a light trap, which can be conveniently placed near the source of the infestation to capture various fly species.

To use this trap, simply insert a sticky card and plug it into a standard indoor outlet. For the best results, position the trap in areas where insects tend to gather, such as near houseplants, in kitchens, bathrooms, and garages.

The trap begins working immediately by attracting, trapping, and eliminating flies, fruit flies, moths, and gnats, effectively safeguarding rooms of up to 600 square feet. Leaving the trap plugged in at night is advisable, as it can attract the highest number of insects.

Once the insects are caught and eliminated, the trap’s discreet design conceals them behind a decorative faceplate.

While this trap has a long lifespan, it’s necessary to replace the sticky card every 30 to 60 days or when it becomes completely covered in insects. The package includes three replaceable adhesive cards, and additional replacements can be purchased separately.

Raid Fr10-Raid Raid Fly Bug Catcher


The Raid Fly Ribbons offer a practical choice for those on a budget in search of the best fly trap. These adhesive strips are durable and free from insecticides and odors, making them suitable for indoor or outdoor use without any safety concerns.

They come pre-baited with a food-based attractant to entice insects, eliminating the need for applying bait separately. While designed to attract flies, these ribbons will effectively capture any flying insect that alights on them.

To deploy them, gently pull a ribbon from its cardboard container and hang it using the provided thumbtack.

It’s important to note that these lengthy and adhesive brown strips measure 30 inches in length and may not be the most aesthetically pleasing option, so it’s advisable to place them in areas where they won’t be readily visible to guests, such as in a garage, basement, or near your trash cans.

Additionally, be cautious as the sticky strips can potentially snag on individuals or pets passing by, so it’s best to position them in low-traffic zones.

While each ribbon can remain effective for up to three months, it should be disposed of once it becomes full. Although the disposal process may not be as tidy as some alternatives, it is relatively straightforward. Simply wrap the trap in newspaper, paper, or a plastic bag and discard it in the trash.

Safer Home Indoor Fly Trap


The Safer Indoor Fly Trap, a non-toxic solution, stands out as the top choice for indoor use, particularly in households with curious children and pets.

This trap employs light as an attractant, eliminating the need for chemical insecticides or baits that could pose risks. Its design is discreet, resembling a night light or an air freshener rather than a conventional fly trap, seamlessly integrating into home decor.

Using a UV LED light to draw in flying insects, the trap ensnares them on a glue card, cleverly concealing the accumulating deceased insects. This trap offers coverage for approximately 400 square feet, so multiple traps may be necessary for comprehensive home protection.

To set it up, simply peel off the backing from one of the two provided glue cards and insert it into the trap. Then, plug in the trap near areas where you frequently encounter insects. It’s important to keep the trap operational continuously, as insects are particularly drawn to the light during nighttime hours. As the glue cards fill up with insects, you’ll need to replace them as needed.

 Rescue! Disposable Fly Trap


The Disposable Fly Trap by Rescue! is a hanging fly trap designed for outdoor use and is our top pick for outdoor fly control.

Placing traps outside not only tackles outdoor infestations but can also help reduce indoor fly problems, as flies are often drawn indoors from items located outdoors.

House flies, in particular, are attracted to “nearby garbage or garbage receptacles, decaying plants, lawn clippings, straw, mulch, and other organic items in the open,” according to experts.

Compared to other options in our list, this fly trap requires a slightly more intricate setup, and you will need to provide your own string or wire for hanging. Follow the instructions on the bag to expose the trap entrance, add water to activate the bait, and hang the trap outdoors.

Flies are enticed by the bait’s scent and enter the trap through the cap, where they ultimately drown in the water.

Due to the potent odor of the bait, it’s crucial to hang the trap at least 20 feet away from any living spaces. If you have a porch or other outdoor living area, it’s advisable to position the trap away from these spaces, as it will attract insects within smelling distance.

Experts caution that liquid fly containers have an attractant that can lure in a large number of flies that may not have been a problem otherwise. However, they are highly effective in dealing with significant fly populations, provided they are placed outdoors and away from areas you wish to keep fly-free.

Once the trap is full or after 30 days, wrap it in a bag and dispose of it in the trash. These traps are specifically designed for flies.

If mosquitoes are the primary concern in your yard, you may want to consider hiring a mosquito control service or using mosquito repellents. For those interested in natural outdoor pest control methods, planting insect-repelling outdoor plants in your garden or around your home is a potential alternative.

Kensizer 30-Pack Window Fly Traps For Indoors


In and around windows, you often find a concentration of insects, making it a prime area for potential infestations. If you’re dealing with this issue in your home, the Kensizer Window Fly Traps emerge as the top choice for window fly control. These transparent adhesive traps can be affixed directly to your windows to effectively capture flies.

To put them into action, simply peel and adhere the traps to windows near locations where flies tend to congregate. When newly applied, these traps are unobtrusive and completely see-through, seamlessly blending with the window’s appearance.

The sticky substance on these traps is specially formulated with non-toxic glue that poses no harm to children or pets, and they are also devoid of any unpleasant odors. Each package includes 30 disposable window fly traps, providing ample coverage for troublesome areas throughout your home.

It’s important to note that if you’d prefer not to have a visible collection of trapped flies on your window, this option may not be the best fit for you, as this style of trap can be challenging to conceal once it begins capturing insects. Once a trap becomes filled with flies, simply peel it off and discard it in the trash. There is no residual stickiness left behind on the window surface.

Livin’ Well Bug Zapper


The Bug Zapper we’re discussing here offers a satisfying solution for those who prefer the immediate results of a zapper, effectively stopping insects in their tracks. It works as a versatile option suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, providing comprehensive pest protection that can withstand unexpected weather conditions.

Powered by powerful UVA light bulbs, this zapper boasts an impressive effective radius of 1,500 square feet, attracting a wide variety of insects.

Once drawn inside, these insects meet their demise through an electric shock and subsequently fall into a collection tray. In contrast to many other bug zappers, this one operates with minimal noise, eliminating loud and startling “zaps” during its operation.

It’s worth noting the advice of experts cautioning families with young children to avoid electrical traps that administer shocks, as they can pose a risk to small fingers if tampered with. Therefore, it’s advisable to keep such zappers out of the reach of pets as well.

The zapper includes a hanging ring for convenient placement on your porch or deck. However, please be aware that the trap’s cable measures 6 feet in length, often necessitating the use of an extension cord. Routine maintenance entails periodic cleaning of the collection tray to remove trapped insects.

Sewanta Fly Traps 32 Oz


The Victor Fly Magnet M380 stands out as the top choice for a reusable fly trap designed for outdoor use. This trap boasts a generous 32-ounce capacity, capable of capturing up to 20,000 flies. The kit includes three reusable traps, bait refills, and chains for convenient outdoor hanging.

The trap’s lid features four holes to capture multiple flies simultaneously. Crafted from durable, hard plastic, the container features a clear reservoir, allowing you to monitor the level of flies inside.

This reusable option is particularly well-suited for situations where you’re dealing with a significant number of flies in outdoor areas and prefer not to constantly replace traps. Given the strong-smelling bait’s effectiveness in attracting flies, it’s essential to place these traps at least 20 feet away from living areas or any spaces you wish to keep free of flies.

To use, empty the bait into a trap, add warm water up to the fill line, and swirl to mix. Once baited and ready for use, hang the trap outdoors near a fly source, such as a garbage or compost pile. As the trap fills up with flies, add enough water to keep the flies submerged.

When the trap reaches its capacity, dispose of the deceased insects into the trash, re-bait, and add water to reuse the trap. The trap’s wide mouth facilitates easy filling and cleaning, although it’s important to note that the trap should not be cleaned in a dishwasher.

Terro Fruit Fly Trap


The fly trap we’re discussing here has been specifically designed to address fruit fly infestations, making it the preferred choice for dealing with this particular type of fly. It works quickly, reducing fruit fly populations within just a few days. Setting it up is straightforward – simply pour the provided bait into the traps and place them where needed.

The bait contained within the traps, while non-staining, effectively lures adult fruit flies. Additionally, the traps come in an apple-shaped design, carefully crafted to seamlessly blend into kitchen surroundings, which are often the favored gathering spots for fruit flies.

Each trap is equipped with a built-in window, allowing you to easily monitor the number of flies captured and check the bait levels. With two traps included, you can enjoy up to 90 days of protection, as each trap remains effective for a duration of up to 45 days.

For these traps to work effectively, it’s crucial to position them near areas where fruit flies tend to breed. As explained, fruit flies are attracted to “fruit and rotting organic matter,” typically leading them to congregate around fruit bowls, sinks with food waste in the drain, and trash cans.

Once a trap becomes filled with fruit flies or the bait is depleted, you can dispose of the trap in the trash.

However, it’s worth noting that fruit flies are sometimes confused with drain flies, as both are small flies that may be drawn to kitchen spaces. Traps designed for fruit flies may not prove effective against drain flies.

To distinguish between the two, it’s helpful to keep in mind that fruit flies, often encountered in homes, are yellow-brown in color with clear wings, typically measuring less than 3 millimeters in length. In contrast, drain flies can reach up to 5 millimeters in length, displaying tan to black coloration and fine, fuzzy hairs on their wings and bodies, similar to the appearance of a moth.


How to Shop For Fly Traps

Step 1: Identify Your Fly Problem

Before purchasing a fly trap, it’s essential to assess your specific fly problem. Are you dealing with fruit flies in your kitchen, house flies in your living space, or outdoor flies near your garbage cans? Identifying the type of fly and the location of the infestation will help you choose the right trap.

Step 2: Understand the Types of Fly Traps

There are various types of fly traps available on the market. Here are some common ones:

  1. Fly Paper or Ribbons: Sticky strips that attract flies and trap them when they land on the adhesive surface. Suitable for indoor use.
  2. Electric Fly Zappers: Devices that use ultraviolet (UV) light to attract flies and then electrocute them upon contact. Effective for both indoor and outdoor use.
  3. Reusable Traps: Traps with bait attractants that capture flies alive, allowing for release or disposal. Great for outdoor use.
  4. Disposable Traps: Single-use traps filled with a bait attractant that attracts and traps flies. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
  5. Natural Traps: DIY traps using common household items like vinegar or wine, which attract and drown flies. Typically for indoor use.

Step 3: Consider the Location

The location where you intend to place the fly trap is crucial. Different traps are more suitable for indoor or outdoor use. Ensure the trap you choose is appropriate for the environment and conditions in which it will be deployed.

Step 4: Evaluate the Bait or Attractant

Many fly traps use baits or attractants to lure flies. Consider the type and effectiveness of the bait or attractant included with the trap. Some traps allow you to use your preferred bait.

Step 5: Assess Safety and Non-Toxicity

If you have children or pets, it’s vital to choose a fly trap that is safe and non-toxic. Check the product’s specifications for information on safety, and ensure it won’t pose a danger to your loved ones.

Step 6: Determine the Trap’s Lifespan

Consider how long the fly trap remains effective before needing replacement or maintenance. Some traps are single-use, while others are reusable with replaceable components.

Step 7: Budget

Fly traps come in a range of prices. Determine your budget and choose a trap that offers the best value for your needs. Keep in mind that higher-quality traps may be more effective and cost-efficient in the long run.

Step 8: Read Reviews and Research Brands

Before making a final decision, read product reviews and conduct research on reputable brands. Reviews from other customers can provide valuable insights into a trap’s performance and durability.

Step 9: Purchase and Set Up

Once you’ve selected the right fly trap, make your purchase from a reliable retailer. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for setting up and placing the trap in the appropriate location.

Step 10: Monitor and Maintain

Regularly check and maintain your fly trap as needed. Replace baits or attractants, clean reusable traps, and dispose of captured flies according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.


Choosing the right fly trap requires careful consideration of your specific fly problem, location, safety concerns, and budget. By following this guide and conducting thorough research, you can effectively combat fly infestations and enjoy a fly-free environment.



1. What are fly traps, and how do they work?

Fly traps are devices designed to attract and capture flies. They work by using various methods, such as sticky surfaces, bait attractants, or UV light, to lure flies in and prevent them from escaping.

2. What types of flies can fly traps catch?

Fly traps can catch a wide range of flies, including house flies, fruit flies, drain flies, and outdoor flies. The effectiveness may vary depending on the type of trap and bait used.

3. Are fly traps safe for children and pets?

Many fly traps are designed to be safe for children and pets. However, it’s essential to read the product labels and instructions to ensure they are non-toxic and safe for your specific situation.

4. Can I use fly traps indoors and outdoors?

Yes, there are fly traps suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Be sure to choose a trap that matches your intended location, as some traps are designed specifically for one environment.

5. How long do fly traps last before needing replacement or maintenance?

The lifespan of a fly trap varies depending on the type and design. Some traps are single-use and need to be replaced once full, while others are reusable and may require periodic maintenance or replacement of bait or adhesive surfaces.

6. Do fly traps work on other insects, like mosquitoes or gnats?

Some fly traps can catch other flying insects like mosquitoes, gnats, and moths, depending on the trap’s design and attractants used. However, their primary effectiveness is typically against flies.

7. Are there eco-friendly or natural fly trap options?

Yes, there are eco-friendly and natural fly trap options. Some DIY traps use ingredients like vinegar or fruit to attract and trap flies. These can be environmentally friendly alternatives.

8. How do I choose the right fly trap for my situation?

To choose the right fly trap, consider factors like the type of fly problem, location (indoor or outdoor), safety concerns, lifespan, budget, and brand reputation. Refer to our comprehensive guide for more information.

9. Can fly traps help control fly infestations in my home?

Fly traps can be an effective part of a fly control strategy, but they may not eliminate all flies on their own. Combining fly traps with proper sanitation, sealing entry points, and addressing breeding sources can help control fly infestations.

10. Do I need to clean or dispose of the captured flies in fly traps?

Yes, you should follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning or disposing of captured flies in fly traps. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the traps remain effective.

Remember to always follow the specific instructions provided with your chosen fly trap for the best results and safety.

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